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THE PLUNGE by deb zeller

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Society of Minnesota Sculptors reserves the right to approve all submitted graphics and text in the gallery.

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Installed in Sioux Falls, SD
Material: Bronze
Size: 4 1/2 feet tall

Take the plunge. That thing that you've been waiting a long time to do… There is no better time than now to jump in and start.

I have been sculpting for years. Typically, my sculptures are ¼ to ½ scale. I've dreamt of my first full scale sculpture for a long time. It just never seemed like the right time, there weren't enough funds to pay a huge foundry bill…it just wasn't happening. Then, one day, I got the call. Would I be willing to recreate my 18 inch sculpture in a version at least 36 inches? I decided why not…it was time to take the plunge.